In our district the term English language learner (ELL) includes mostly adopted children from other countries who range from non-English speakers to fluent English speakers. However, ELLs can include a wide range of students including those who have come with family members. Some may be immigrants who are non-English proficient (NEP), they may have limited English proficiency (LEP), or they may have been born in this country but come from homes where a language other than English is spoken. Some ELLs may be fluent speakers of English but have not yet become proficient in reading and writing.

As a result of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), students who are limited English proficient are closely monitored by state and federal agencies, by annual English language proficiency testing (ACCESS), and by annual academic state testing (NECAP). Students are considered proficient when they can compete with their native English speaking peers in all English instruction and have scored fluent in all areas of the language proficiency test.

Michelle Marzelli - ESOL Teacher

(click on her name to access her website)

ESOL Compliance Guide