Annual Meeting/Voter Information -

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To the inhabitants of the pre-existing School Districts of Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot, comprising the Kearsarge Regional School District, qualified to vote in Kearsarge Regional School District affairs. You are hereby notified to meet at the Kearsarge Regional High School in N.Sutton, in said District, on the 6th day of January, 2024 at 9:00 AM. This session shall consist of explanation, discussion, and debate of warrant articles. Warrant articles may be amended subject to the following limitations: (a) warrant articles whose wording is prescribed by law shall not be amended and (b) warrant articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for a final vote on the main motion, as amended, and as originally set out in this warrant. Upon vote of the voters present and voting at the first session, the first session shall recess to reconvene at the second session of the annual meeting.

Article 1 To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the Municipal Budget Committee’s recommended amount $54,320,531 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the District. The School Board recommends $54,320,531. This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. This warrant article asks the voters to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, the salaries of School District Officials and Agents, and for the statutory obligations of said District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the State sources, together with other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Towns of Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot, the amount to be raised by taxation by said towns.     (School Board Recommends 7-0)  (Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 9-0)

Article 2 To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $100,000 to be placed in the School Buildings Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund for the purpose of repair, unanticipated utility costs, and maintaining the school buildings and equipment, with such amount to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2024.

(School Board Recommends 7-0)  (Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 8-1)

Article 3 To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $100,000 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Roof Fund for the purpose of replacement or major repairs to roofs in the district with such amounts to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2024. (School Board Recommends 7-0)  (Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 8-1)

Article 4 To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Click here for Additional Information regarding Article One

Important  Dates:
Municipal Budget Committee Hearing - 11/28/23 - 6:30 PM
Annual Meeting (Deliberative Session) - 1/6/24  (inclement weather date 1/13/24) - Kearsarge Regional High School - See Warrant above
Deliberative Session Recording

Voting Day in your Town - 3/12/2024
Click here for Candidate Voter Information