EBBD - Air and Water Quality

  1. Indoor Air Quality

    In order to ensure that all school buildings have adequate indoor air quality, the Board directs the Superintendent to address methods of minimizing or eliminating emissions from buses, cars, delivery vehicles, and other motorized vehicles. The Superintendent may delegate the implementation of these methods to building principals. The Board encourages the Superintendent to utilize methods and recommendations established by various State agencies.

    In addition to addressing methods eliminating emissions, the Superintendent authorizes the building principals or Director of Facilities to annually investigate air quality in their respective school buildings using a checklist provided by the New Hampshire Department of Education.

    In support of this policy, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish regulations and/or administrative rules necessary to implement anti-idling and clear air measures aimed at improving indoor air quality.
  2. Water Quality and Access 

    The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to take measures to limit lead exposure in school drinking water and ensure compliance with RSA 485:17-a, III, and consistent with regulations and guidance of the N.H. Departments of Environmental Services and of Education.

    The District shall install water stations in school buildings in accordance with Ed. Rule 321.18(h), relative to the number of drinking fountains required.

    The Superintendent /designee will make recommendations to the Board for any required modifications related to air or water quality required by law.

Legal References:

RSA 200:11-a, Investigation of Air Quality;
RSA 200:48, Air Quality in Schools
RSA 485:17-a, III

First Reading:  October 21, 2010
Second Reading:  November 4, 2010
Adopted: November 4, 2010
Last Review:  October 22, 2022
Revision Dates: October 27, 2022