EEAG - Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students

It is the primary responsibility of the Kearsarge Regional School District’s bus provider to transport students to and from field trips, athletic events, or other school functions. On those occasions when the bus provider is unable to transport students to or from field trips, athletic events, or other school functions, individuals providing student transportation must have prior authorization from the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Board specifically forbids any employee to transport students, except the teacher’s own children, for school purposes without prior written authorization as outlined in EEAG-R. Individuals providing unauthorized student transportation do so at their own expense and liability.

Any employee or private citizen using their own or a rented vehicle to provide school-authorized student transportation must have automobile liability insurance of not less than $500,000 Combined Single Limit, or $250,000/$500,000 for bodily injury and property damage, and provide a Certificate of Insurance. The District will maintain liability insurance, which will be in excess of the owner’s primary insurance for authorized student transportation.

Persons under contract with the School District to provide school transportation services must have a valid School Bus Driver Certificate/License in accordance with applicable rules and laws. All vehicles must be approved by the New Hampshire Department of Safety as meeting all applicable school bus safety standards. Parents transporting their own children are exempt from this requirement, per Department of Safety regulations.

Those providing transportation on an incidental basis, i.e. not specifically as part of a contract to transport, must meet procedures established in EEAG-R

No student shall be sent on school errands using any automobile. No student will transport another student during the school day.

Reimbursement for use of private vehicles may be made, but only if the employee or other person has prior approval of the designated administrator.


See Also:


Legal References:

NH Code of Administrative Rules Section Saf-C 1304.05, Exemption From School

First Reading: 6/25/09
Second Reading: 7/16/09
Adopted: 7/16/09
Last Review:  7/16/09