Many students use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. As long as the use of this different name is not inappropriate for the school setting (such as for the purposes of misrepresentation, creation of disruption to the school climate, or reflective of violent or hurtful language). Kearsarge acknowledges that a preferred first name and pronoun may be used wherever possible in the course of a student’s education. The preferred first name is used except where the legal name is required, such as grading records and student transcripts. 

In addition to the preferred first name, students may select a pronoun representative of their gender identity and will be utilized as a method of identification between teacher and student.

The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student's gender identity (for example, intentionally referring to the student by a name or pronoun that does not correspond to the student's gender identity) is a violation of this policy and subject to the provisions of Kearsarge School District policies ACAA – Sexual Harassment of Students.

Although students are generally free to determine the preferred name they wish to be known by, inappropriate use of the preferred policy may be cause for denying the request.  The District reserves the right to end the use of or remove a preferred name if it is used inappropriately.

In general, the Kearsarge Regional School District will strive to support student name and pronoun preferences in conjunction with parental support.  Consideration of student developmental readiness as well as physical and emotional safety will be the driving factors in any decision to honor a student’s request.

Changes to a current student's legal name require a certified order from a court of competent jurisdiction as supporting documentation.


See also: KRSD Policy AC / ACAA

First Reading: 4/5/2018
Second Reading: 4/19/2018
Date Adopted:  4/19/2018