JG - Elementary School Placement

The Kearsarge Regional School Board feels that the educational benefits realized through reasonable class size are a primary factor in enrollment policy.  Additionally, efforts to equalize educational services in each of the elementary schools have made it appropriate to attempt to achieve equity in class sizes throughout the district. 

In order to clarify a procedure for placement of students within the district’s four elementary schools, the Board adopts the following Policy and Guidelines for enrollment: 

  1. In accordance with the NH State Board of Education Policy, “the Superintendent shall admit pupils to school attendance in accordance with the laws of the state, regulations of the State Board, and policies of the local school board. The Superintendent shall assign pupils to such classes and grades as their needs warrant.”
  2. The basis for placement in the district’s elementary schools shall be town of residence, with consideration of available classroom space and equity in class sizes.  Basic assignments will be as follows:
    1. Bradford Elementary School – resident students of Newbury and Bradford
    2. New London Elementary School – resident students of Springfield, Wilmot and New London
    3. Simonds Elementary School – resident students of Warner
    4. Sutton Elementary School  -resident students of R-5 with the exception of the 1992/93 school year, during which all 5th grade students in the district will remain in their current placement.  All other Sutton students will return to Sutton.
    5. Students on the East Sutton bus route and Birch Rd. in Sutton to be considered part of the Warner School population.  Students on the Warner Rte 114 bus route are to be considered part of the Bradford School population.
    6. Students residing in the Rowell Hill section of North Sutton will be considered part of the KRES at New London population.
    7. Students residing on Summit Road (Old King Ridge Ski Area) in North Sutton will be considered part of KRES at New London. population.
  3. Students who move from one town to another, within the district, shall be assigned to the facility serving their new town of residence.  However, they may petition for alternative placement.
  4. Variations from these basic assignments may occur whenever class size and available space shall warrant.  The Superintendent shall make such a determination after consultation with the transportation director and elementary school principals.


The Board recognizes that some parents may want an alternative placement for their children.  Therefore, the following procedures and guidelines are established: 


  1. A petition for alternative placement may be submitted to the Superintendent between the dates of June 1 and June 15 for the following school year.
  2. The Superintendent shall review each petition and, after consultation with the elementary school principals and the transportation director, shall notify parents of their child’s placement by the third week in August.
  3. If a request for alternative placement is granted, every effort will be made to continue that placement through the elementary grade levels.  Subsequent petitions need not be made.
  4. Each petition shall apply to one child only, and if granted, does not ensure the alternative placement of any siblings.
  5. Every effort will be made to maintain alternative placements that have been granted as of September 1990.


The Superintendent’s decision for alternative placement shall be based on: 

  1. Consideration of district-wide average class size for the relevant grade level
  2. Impact on the Kearsarge District’s transportation system
  3. Pertinent educational impact based on input from the elementary school principals
  4. Any extraordinary extenuating circumstances

No section of the policy shall be interpreted to allow contradiction of the Superintendent’s authority to place children based on equity, educational needs and available space

The above policy is to be reviewed whenever the Board feels that:  

  • resident student population has shifted to make the policy inappropriate,
  • program decision have impacted enrollment figures,
  • facility changes have altered available space, or
  • transportation routes have been negatively impacted. 

Adopted: 12/13/90 
Revised:  6/18/92, 8/12/04, 4/12/07