The State of NH Public Health under RSA l4l-C:20a requires all children shall be immunized prior to school entrance and thereafter according to the current recommendations of the State Public Health Agency. The current immunization schedule can be referenced at and then by entering immunization schedule in search box.

This requirement pursuant to RSA l4I-C:20c may be waived for medical reasons if evidence is presented by your physician indicating that immunizations will be detrimental to his/her health. Exemption for religious beliefs must have a completed and notarized form submitted prior to the entry of school. Form is available on NH Department of Health and Human Services or from the school nurse.

The parents/guardians whose children will be entering pre-school/kindergarten/first grade will be notified regarding entrance requirements concerning registration, if all requirements (birth certificate, physical examination, immunization, etc.) are not satisfactorily met by the first day of school, a child will not be allowed to enter without the prior approval of the Principal.

The school can conditionally enroll the child if the parent or guardian can provide evidence of at least one dose of the required vaccine and documentation of an appointment date to receive the next dose. The date of the appointment may be considered a date of exclusion if the parent does not keep the appointment.

Students transferring into our school district during the school year will be required to show documented proof of immunization before they enter school or submit the required religious or health exemption.


There will be completed medical examination of each child by a licensed physician prior to or upon first entry into the public school system. Students involved in any school sports, with the exception of intramural sports, must have a pre-participation physical (i.e., prior to practice and games) upon entry to middle school and then again upon entry to high school (or the first time a student becomes involved in athletics during the course of their middle school and high school years). An annual health up-date signed by a parent or guardian will be required each subsequent year after the completion of the initial sports physical.

Students transferring into the district are not required to have a health examination as long as there is a documented physical in the student's health record. However, a health history (completed by a parent or guardian) must be completed before the student attends school.        


KRSD follows Ed 311.02 Medication during School Day: Technical Advisory. 


A health education program has been developed for the District. Instruction follows NH Department of Education standards.


General procedures to be followed in dealing with accidents, injuries, and serious illness occurring in school that are more than minor in nature.

  1. Contact school nurse.
  2. If the nurse is not available, contact the parents and proceed accordingly to their dictates.
  3. In the case of a serious injury, illness, or event, Emergency Services will be contacted for transport.  A Student Information form should be sent with the student.
  4. Follow the regular procedure of submitting an “Accident/Incident Report” to the Principal if appropriate.

To treat illness and injury during the school day the nurse will follow KRSD Healthcare Services Nursing Guidelines/Recommendations. The District will follow the NH Department of Health and Human Services Disease Handbook for Childcare Providers.

If a student has to be excused from school during the day because of illness or an accident, he/she must do so through the school nurse who will contact the parents. No one is excused from school without a parent, relative or other responsible person being notified. Transportation must be arranged by the parent/guardian or emergency contact.

 It is impossible to set up regulations to cover all cases. When peculiar situations arise, it will be necessary for the faculty member to use his/her best judgment based on what is best for the student at the time.

See: KRSD Policy JLC