3 Year Old Program

The three year old program at Kearsarge Regional Preschool is offered in two sessions

  • Session 1- Tuesday through Friday (8:30am-11:45am)
  • Session 2- Tuesday through Friday (11:45am-3:00pm)
  • limited full day and Monday sessions available 

Tuition rates for 2022-2023 School Year: 

  • Half Day Programming AM or PM- $200 per month
  • Full Day- $400 per month
  • Full Day with Mondays- $450 per month

A Day in Our Classroom 

Arrival to School

Preschool students begin their day outside, weather permitting. Playing outside allows the children to engage in large motor activities, as well as age-appropriate physical challenges that allow the teachers to evaluate the progress of the children’s growing abilities. Climbing, jumping, running, or swinging all contributes to strengthening your child’s coordination and balance. Along with the physical benefits of outside play, the children also have the opportunity to engage in social interactions with peers.

Transition Inside/Sign In

Preschool Students, with the support of the adults, engage in an arrival to school routine. Each student has their own cubby to hang their belongings and find their photo to sign in.

Meeting Time

Meeting time is a time for us to all come together as a class to begin our day and participate in large group learning activities. We will talk about the weather and calendar. Each week a theme based book and song will be introduced to the children, allowing us to make important connections between literature, life, and learning. We will also review the day’s schedule to allow the students to prepare for the routine transitions that take place.

Table Top Activity

After our meeting time, children will participate in a table top activity. These activities will allow your child to expand and develop their motor skills, cognition, social interaction, language skills, self-help and problem solving skills. It also allows for the teachers to learn more about your child, their development, and their strengths and areas in need of further development.


Snack time is another opportunity for your child to develop self-help skills and promote social interactions. The children are welcome to enjoy the snack choice of the day. If your child has specific dietary needs, please speak with the classroom teacher and accommodations will be made.

Free Play

The students are given time to explore the classroom environment. This time allows them to play independently or have social interactions with their classmates.

Closing Meeting

Closing meeting provides an opportunity to reflect on the activities and learning for the day. At the close of meeting time, with adult support, preschool students go to their cubbies and pack up for the day.


Parents pick up their children on the playground or at the main entrance during inclement weather conditions. Pick up time allows you to touch base with the classroom teacher if you have any questions or information to share.