New Murals for SCS!

Picture of 4 new puzzle murals at Sutton Central School

SCS students created 4 new puzzle murals that now appear in the main entry way of the school. This project was done through art classes with Art Teacher, Mrs. Mauser-Rowe, and artist-in-residence Mark Ragonese. We are so proud of these diplays! 

The 4 Murals represent the mission of Sutton Central School, which is "At Sutton, we are a community of respectful learners, who persevere through challenges and treat each other with kindness." The 3 words (respect, kindness, and perseverance) at the bottom of each mural represents our mission as a "learning community with grit." In addition, each mural represents a season (in order from fall, winter, spring, and summer) and a local landmark in the town of Sutton (Meetinghouse in the fall, Kezar Lake in the winter, Muster Field Farm in the spring, and Wadleigh State Beach in the summer).

Here is a link to see all pictures of the murals: