5th Grade Leadership

5th Grade Leaders

The 5th Grade Student Leadership Program includes three students from KRES at New London (one from each classroom) and two students from Simonds Elementary, Sutton Central Elementary, and KRES at Bradford. Each school takes turns hosting a leadership day with various leadership activities. Students are encouraged to report back what they learned to their classmates following leadership days.

To keep the students connected with one another between leadership days students are asked to participate in the following blog. The Elementary School Counselors will have questions for students to respond to, and ask that you respond respectfully and responsibly when posting on the blog:  Student Leadership Blog

You will still need to follow the District Internet Acceptable Use policy when posting on the Guidance Blog. Please review it below before posting.

5th Grade Leaders outside

4 Elementary schools

13 Student leaders

1 Amazing TEAM!!



Leaders in our community!

5th Grade Leaders with police officer