What is the School Counselor's Role?

The School Counselor works with grades K through 5, using whole class lessons, small group work focusing on specific concerns, and individual counseling sessions. Students are referred to the school counselor by their teachers, a staff member, themselves or their parents. If parents have any concerns regarding their children, they should feel free to call the school.

Most sessions between students and the School Counselor are kept confidential.  If there is ever a time when Mrs. Cook believes a student may be in danger or could potentially put others in danger she is required as a New Hampshire mandated reporter, to break confidentiality.  Student safety is the priority.

Classroom Focus

craft project - how will you grow your characterMuch of my focus this year will be on Character Building with students through Classroom Lessons, small group work and individual counseling.

“The elementary years are a time when students begin to develop their academic self-concept and their feelings of competence and confidence as learners.  They are beginning to develop decision-making, communication and life skills, as well as character values. It is also a time when students develop and acquire attitudes toward school, self, peers, social groups and family.  Early identification and intervention of children’s academic and personal/social needs is essential in removing barriers to learning and in promoting academic achievement.  The knowledge, attitudes and skills that students acquire in the areas of academic, career and personal/social development during these elementary years serve as the foundation for future success.”

(American School Counselors Association, 2004)

Professional school counselors implement a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program, providing education, prevention and intervention services for all students. Guidance programs should include curriculum, responsive services, individual student planning, and system support.

Kelso's Choices wheelKelso's Choices

This year I will be introducing "Kelso's Choices", a Conflict Resolution curriculum to students.  

For more information check out the website:  Kelso's Choices


Featured Video

Here is a cute video describing the difference between TATTLING and TELLING: