
An important understanding regarding curriculum - it is never really done! We believe curriculum development is an ongoing and dynamic system that needs to meet the ever-changing demand of knowledge, skills and work practices needed by students to become productive and responsible citizens. Curriculum documents are constantly being revised and revisited as teachers and administrators reflect on effective practices. Our current curriculum initiatives focus on articulating our curriculum in a searchable, manageable format for all constituents of the district.  KRSD teachers are working in collaborative teams to define their curriculum in a manner which best describes what students should know and be able to do as a result of learning.  As such, Competency-Based Learning is the driving force behind curriculum development.  

Kearsarge Regional School District provides access to its curriculum development through a platform called Rubicon Atlas.  We are on a 5-year curriculum development journey. It is important to understand all work presented through this platform is a work in progress. This site allows visitors to search and browse curriculum related to courses across all schools in the District. Videos are available on this platform to explain how to conduct this search process.

Rubicon Atlas Link:

The following serve as resources for those seeking more information regarding curriculum in the District.  

KRSD Reading Philosophy
KRSD Elementary Curriculum
KRMS Curriculum
KRHS Competencies
K-5 Standards Based Report Card Brochure
KRSD MTSS/RTI Manual 2018/2019
CBE Research and Resources 

For specific questions or more information about KRSD Curriculum, please contact:

Steve Shepherd, Elementary Curriculum Director (Grades PK through 5)
Lisa Scolaro, Secondary Curriculum Director (Grades 6 through 12)