AE - School Improvement Planning and Implementation

Content and Purpose

The essential responsibility of the School Improvement Plan is to decide how best to educate the schools' students, and to accept full responsibility and accountability for the progress students make. The focus of the plan shall be on instruction, curriculum, and student performance, rather than routine school operations. Students' achievement shall be measured against standards approved by the Board.

The Kearsarge Regional School Board is committed to the belief that each school has the responsibility to educate students to the District's standards of excellence that will prepare them for higher education, the work place and their roles as citizens.

The Board has undertaken a school improvement process that involves four principles:

  1. INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL COMMUNITY by providing schools with greater authority and responsibility for decisions that affect student performance.

To this end, each building will establish and implement an annual School Improvement Plan focused on students, developed by staff, reviewed with parents, approved by the Superintendent and confirmed by the Board.

The Board intends school improvement to proceed in the context of the District's mission, policy and objectives. Nothing therein shall abrogate provisions of agreements collectively bargained or other laws and regulations

The Board recognizes the school as the essential unit of District productivity and accountability for student learning. The type of improvement the Board seeks is dependent on the energy capability and resourcefulness of its teachers, administrators, and communities.


School improvement planning is the structure for improving school productivity. This structure provides for a planning team at each school. In addition, it allows for the formation of planning teams for District programs such as James House or Mindstretch.

The school wide planning team, with leadership provided by the Principal, will assess student performance, school effectiveness, set improvement goals and design instruction and other services. The teams' work will provide for participation of all constituencies who share an interest in the productivity of the school. The composition of the broad based team must be representative of each grade, discipline, and function, including parents and students. The team has the responsibility to assure this representation. Each school will have a fully constituted team functioning throughout the year. The teams are responsible for seeking input from and reporting back to the constituencies that they represent.

Authority and Responsibility

The school planning team is more than advisory in nature. It is a deliberative, decision - making body. A responsibility of the team is to actively seek effectiveness in its functioning. The following premises define the parameters within which the planning team functions:

  • The team is charged with the planning for school improvement, empowered to make decisions and shape programs. The team's work shall be guided by research on school effectiveness and characterized by innovation, restructuring conventional approaches, and the best professional practice.
  • Upon approval of the plans, the resources identified as needed will be confirmed and committed. The team shall ensure the equity in the distribution of resources. Schools that show improvement in student performance and effectiveness will earn greater autonomy, flexibility, and discretion in the use of resources.
  • The teams must establish a means by which they continually gain more knowledge and creative problem solve for effective practices. It is staff's professional responsibility to carry out the work of school improvement by participating fully in the discussions, deliberations and activities.


District goals will be established by April 30 each year. Formal input will be received by staff and community. 

The School Improvement Plan will then be completed by June 30 of each year and implement July through the next June.

Evaluation will be presented to the Superintendent and Board at the May/June Board meeting prior to approval of the next year's plan

Components of Plan:

  1. Purpose /Needs:
    1. Focus on Students (What would be happening if the purpose/ operation were highly effective?)
    2. Immediate and cumulative effects
    3. Assess the needs - analysis of data which draws conclusions and is basis for identifying results
  2. Results (As indicated by?):
    1. Objectives developed consistent with District Goals/Policy
    2. High expectations both academic and behavioral
    3. Strong standards
    4. Objectives need to be specific, measurable, ambitious, attainable, relevant and timely
    5. Results: not activities or process
  3. Resources (What will assist attainment of results?):
    1. What resources need to be used?
    2. What barriers need to be overcome?
    3. Who needs to be involved? Representatives?
    4. Where will these be found?
  4. Responsibility (Which person(s) will oversee which objectives/results?):
    1. Completed by which date?
    2. Be person specific - Name specific people as overseers
  5. Evaluations - data which will measure success - (If it were happening, how would we know it?):
    1. Achievement tests
    2. Comprehensive curriculum performance assessment
    3. Student products
    4. Staff products
  6. Strategies /Benchmarks (How will we monitor the progress toward results?):
    1. For each objective/result
    2. Timelines
    3. Indicates steps accomplished in process
  7. Education /Communication:
    1. Throughout process
    2. Successful Completion
    3. Professional Training


First Reading: September 12, 1996
Second Reading: October 10, 1996
Last Reviewed:
: November 14, 1996