BG - Board Policy Development

The Board will develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guidelines and goals for the successful and efficient functioning of our public schools.

The Board considers policy development its chief function, along with providing the resources such as personnel, buildings, materials, and equipment for the successful interpretation and evaluation of its policies.

Policies are principles adopted by the Board to chart a course of action. They tell what is wanted; they may include why and how much. Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the administration in meeting a number of problems; narrow enough to give clear guidance. Policies are guides for action by the administration, who then sets the rules and regulations to provide specific directions to School District personnel.

It is the Board’s intention that its policies serve as sources of information and guidance for all people who are interested in, or connected with, the public schools. Changes in needs, conditions, purposes, and objectives will require revisions, deletions, and additions to the policies of present and future Boards. The Board will welcome suggestions for ongoing policy development from citizens, students, and staff in the District.

Action on such proposals, whatever their source, is taken finally by the Board after receiving the recommendation of the Superintendent. The Superintendent bases his/her recommendations upon the outcomes of study and upon the judgment of the professional staff and appropriate study committees. The Superintendent shall seek counsel of the School Attorney when there may be a question of legality or proper legal procedure in the development of a proposed School Board policy.

Legal  Reference:

First Reading: May 10, 2001
Date Adopted: May 31, 2001
Revision Dates:  NA
Last Review Date:  May 31, 2001