CBI - Evaluation of the Superintendent

The Board shall formally evaluate and assess in writing the performance of the Superintendent in January of each year. This evaluation shall be reasonably related to the job description of the Superintendent and the goals and objectives of the District for the previous year.

The objectives of the evaluation are to:

  1. Clarify for the Board and the Superintendent the Board's expectations of job responsibilities and performance.
  2. Provide a formal mechanism to hold the Superintendent accountable for carrying out Board policies and priorities.
  3. Assure good communication and unity of purpose between the Board and the Superintendent.
  4. Provide the Superintendent an opportunity to discuss areas of concern in the relationship with the Board.
  5. Identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and areas where improvement in the Superintendent's predominance is requested by the Board.
  6. Provide the basis for decisions on compensation.

The following "components of job performance" will be evaluated and discussed:

  1. Achievement of District Goals
  2. Leadership and managerial ability
  3. Staff relations and staff development
  4. Business and finance
  5. Community relations
  6. Board relations
  7. Personal qualities

In preparation for the evaluation, the Superintendent will prepare and provide to the Board:

  1. A summary of achievements of the District Goals and his leadership role in accomplishing the goals.
  2. A self evaluation covering the "components of job predominance" and a plan for future actions.

In preparation for the evaluation, the Board will prepare and provide to the Superintendent its comments on the "components of job predominance."

The evaluation will take the form of a frank discussion between the Board and the Superintendent after which the Board will prepare a written evaluation.

Legal References:

First Read: 6/28/01
Second Read: 7/19/01
Adopted: 7/19/01Last Review:  7/19/01
Revision Date:  NA