DBC - Annual Budget Preparation

The School board will adopt a schedule each year for the timely submission of the annual budget to the Board and the Municipal Budget Committee (MBC) based upon the guidelines established by this policy. Specific dates will be assigned for each of these guidelines.

  1. In consultation with the Superintendent and the MBC, the Finance and Audit Committee of the Board submits a proposed schedule for the annual budget to the School Board for approval.
  2. The principals and other district administrators secure input from staff, students, and parent organizations regarding budget requests related to the approved District Education Plan.
  3. The principals and other district administrators consider input from staff, students, and parent organizations and submit a proposed annual budget, by cost center, supportive of the District Educational Plan.
  4. The Superintendent and other district administrators secure input from town officials, higher education representatives, business community/employers, and interested citizens of the District regarding budget requests related to the approved District Educational Plan.
  5. The Superintendent and other district administrators develop a presentation strategy designed to concisely and clearly communicate the details and supporting rationale for the proposed annual budget.
  6. The Superintendent and other district administrators present the proposed annual budget to the Board (First Reading).
  7. The Board deliberates and approves the proposed annual budget (Second Reading) to be presented to the MBC.
  8. The approved annual budget is presented to the MBC.
  9. The MBC establishes a schedule to hear the administrative presentations of the Board’s proposed annual budget.
  10. The MBC deliberates and approves their proposed annual budget.
  11. Hearings are held to secure the public’s input to the proposed annual budgets.
  12. Proposed annual budgets are placed on the annual warrant.
  13. Voters approve the annual budget.

Legal References:

First Reading: 12/12/85
Second Reading: 04/17/03
Adopted: 12/12/85, 04/17/03
Last Review: 04/17/03
Last Revision: 04/17/03