EBCA - Emergency Plans

  1. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring the district's Emergency Response Plan addresses hazards such as: acts of violence, natural disasters, fire, hazardous materials, medical emergencies, and other hazards deemed necessary by the School Board or local emergency authorities. The emergency response plans will be based on and conform to the Incident Command System and the National Incident Management System.
  2. The School Board directs the Superintendent to develop site-specific emergency response plans for each school building and further directs the Superintendent to submit the emergency response plans to the New Hampshire Office of Emergency Management.
  3. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that at least two times per year; the district conducts emergency response drills. The Superintendent or his/her designee will establish relations with local and state emergency and law enforcement authorities. The Superintendent or his/her designee will serve as a coordinator/liaison with these authorities.

Legal References:

First Reading: March 24, 2016
Second Reading: N/A
Adopted: March 24, 2016
Revision Dates: N/A
Last Review Date:  March 24, 2016