EEAJ - Video and Audio Recording on School Buses

In an effort to ensure a safe and secure environment for all students, the School Board authorizes the use of video/audio recording devices by the District on any or all buses used to provide transportation for district students. This authority shall extend additionally to all vehicles owned or contracted for the transportation of district students. The School Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish and maintain guidelines and procedures for the retention and viewing of the recordings.

1.  Notice:

The presence of recording devices on a bus/vehicle shall be announced by signage displayed prominently on the bus/vehicle. Notice of this policy shall be given annually in student/parent handbooks and the FERPA statement.

2.  Confidentiality:

All recorded “footage” is to be considered confidential and is to be viewed only on an “as needed” basis by those individuals authorized herein.

3.  Custody:

Recordings, in whatever media, shall be the property of the District and stored in a secure location. This custody shall not be delegated to any bus/vehicle driver.

4.  Retention:

No recording shall be retained for longer than 10 school days unless the district determines that the recording is relevant to a disciplinary proceeding or a court requires retention. Before the 10-day period has elapsed, recordings may be deleted, destroyed, or the media reused unless a disciplinary complaint requiring retention is made. If a notable incident is identified by any driver, passenger, parent, or administrator related to the incident, the SAU Transportation Coordinator should be notified and the relevant tape removed from service.

5.  Viewing:

       a.  Recordings shall be viewed only by the following or others expressly authorized by the Superintendent or designee:

  • Superintendent or designee
  • Transportation contractor official
  • SAU #65 Facilities Transportation Coordinator
  • Building Administrator
  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Bus drivers, students,
  • Parents of students who are directly involved in a particular incident

       b.  All viewings shall be supervised by a building administrator.

In the event an audio or video recording is used as part of a student discipline proceeding, such recording may become part of a student’s education record. If an audio or video recording does become part of a student’s education record, all pertinent FERPA provisions and related District policies shall apply.

Legal Reference:

RSA 570-A:2

First Read: August 28, 2008
Second Read: Waived
Adopted: August 28, 2008
Revised: November 18, 2010
Last Review: November 18, 2010