EFA - Availability, Distribution and Charging of Healthy Foods


The Kearsarge Regional School District recognizes the students’ access to good nutrition is essential for their learning. As such, the District will ensure that:

  1. The School District will support the availability and distribution of healthy foods and beverages in all school buildings during the school day.
  2. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for ensuring that all foods and beverages distributed within the district meet nutritional standards established by state and federal law relative to: (1) nutrient density; (2) portion size; and (3) nutrition targets, as defined in pertinent law.
  3. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for implementing developmentally appropriate opportunities to learn food preparation skills that support nationally recognized research-based nutrition standards. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for providing annual communication information about the policy and procedure and related curricula to the school community.
  4. Students are allowed to charge expenses for the purchase of school-prepared meals. The District will create, implement, and monitor a charging procedure (EFA-R) to address the necessary actions to effectively support the students’ purchases and timely reimbursement of associated cost, while aligning with all relevant responsibilities to nondiscriminatory regulations addressed in District policy AC relative to USDA requirements.

See Also:

AC - Non-Discrimination

Legal References:

First Read:  February, 18, 2016
Second Read:  N/A
Adopted: February, 18, 2016
Last Review: August 4, 2016
Revised: August 4, 2016