GBGA - Personnel Infected with HIV

The purpose of this policy is to protect and support the HIV infected employee and to provide for the education and support of the instructional and non-instructional staff
 of the Kearsarge Regional School District Public Schools.

Current medical testimony and evidence indicates the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is not transmitted by casual contact, or even nonsexual household contact. Likewise, a person who has AIDS or infection with HIV poses no danger to fellow employees or to students at school. Therefore, the Kearsarge Regional School District Public Schools shall admit students and encourage employees to work as long as their condition allows, as with any other life threatening illness.

  1. 1. To protect the infected employee from infectious disease in school, the employee of the Kearsarge Regional School District is urged but not obligated to notify a member of the districts medical staff that he or she has a positive blood test for HIV. The information will go no further without the express written consent of the employee. There will be no record of this placed in the employee's file.
  2. The employee with HIV disease is entitled to remain at work as long as he or she is able to perform his or her job.
  3. As a matter of policy and legislation, anyone in the school who receives knowledge that another person is HIV positive, is required to keep the information absolutely confidential.
  4. HIV testing is not a condition of employment.
  5. The school district shall not discriminate against the infected school employee.
  6. No school employee shall be terminated, non-renewed, suspended or  transferred solely because he or she is infected with HIV. When the employee's health no longer permits him or her to work, the employee shall be entitled to use any available medical leave.
  7. In order to dispense with myths and to provide current information, annual educational information on AIDS and HIV will be given to all Kearsarge Regional School District employee
  8. This policy will be reviewed annually by District medical personnel.

* According to a positive result on a HIV screening test approved by CDC

First Reading: 11/18/93
Second Reading: 1/27/94
Adopted: 1/27/94
Last Reviewed: 1/27/94