IF - Instructional Approach

It is the policy of the Board that instruction will be aligned with the goals, mission, and policies of the School District. Additionally, the district’s instructional program will comply with the rules of the NH Department of Education and all applicable state statutes and federal law.

Instruction will be focused on meeting the instructional needs of students with different talents, interests, and development.

The instructional program will include:

  1. Procedures for diagnosing learner needs
  2. Methods and strategies for teaching that incorporate learner needs
  3. Resource-based learning opportunities
  4. Techniques for evaluating student outcomes
  5. The provision of remedial instruction as needed

Instruction will also include, where possible, consideration of all available community resources, including but not limited to organizations, businesses, talented individuals, natural resources, and technology to engage each student in achieving the necessary skill and knowledge.

Legal Reference(s):

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.26(a)(2),
Kindergarten through Grade 8
Curriculum, Instructional Program;
NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.27(b)(3),
High SchoolCurriculum Instructional Program

First Reading: November 1, 2012
Second Reading: November 15, 2012
Date Adopted: November 15, 2012
Revision Dates: N/A
Last Review Date:  November 15, 2012