IJL - Library and Instructional Materials Selection and Reconsideration Policy

IJL - Library and Instructional Materials Selection and Reconsideration Policy

Selection of Instructional Materials and Library Resources

I. Objectives

The Kearsarge School Board recognizes its responsibility for all matters related to the District schools. The Board delegates responsibility for the selection and coordination of instructional matters and other resources to the professionally trained personnel employed by the school District in this capacity.

The School District selects, implement, enriches, and supports the instructional materials utilized for the educational program. Materials will serve both the breadth of the curriculum and the needs and interests of the faculty and students. The district is obligated to provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty and in a variety of formats, with diversity of appeal, and representing the presentation of many different points of view.

The objective of the Library is to make available to students and faculty a collection of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and meet the needs and interests of the students and faculty served.

II. Responsibility for Selection

While the selection of materials involves many people including administrators, teachers, students, and community residents, the responsibility for coordinating and recommending the selection and purchase of library media materials rests with the Librarian. The responsibility for selecting instructional materials rests with the professional staff.

III. Criteria for Selection

  1. Instructional materials and library resources shall support, and be consistent with, the general educational goals of the Kearsarge Regional School District and its specific courses.
  2. KRSD professional staff will select instructional materials and library resources to enrich and support the curriculum and the personal needs and interests of users.
  3. Instructional materials and library resources shall meet high standards of quality in:
    • Enrichment and support of the curriculum department
    • Accurate and unbiased depiction of the diversity and pluralistic nature of society
    • Matching the appropriate skill levels of students
    • Contribution to the curriculum and the educational goals of the school
    • Relevance to the interests of students and faculty
    • Reviews found in standard selection sources
    • Recommendations based on a preview examination of materials by professional personnel, adults with special expertise, or students
  4. District librarians and related professional staff will use the following criteria for general selection of library and instructional materials, including electronic, print, and non-print resources, as they apply:
  • Reputation and significance of the author, producer, and publisher
  • Currency or timeliness of material
  • Contribution to a breadth and diversity of representative viewpoints on controversial issues
  • Contribution to multicultural and pluralistic awareness
  • High degree of potential user appeal
  • Quality, durability, and variety of format
  • Suitability of format and appearance for intended use
  • Value commensurate with cost and/or need
  1. Instructional materials and library resources shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level, learning style, and social development of the District’s students.
  2. When considering selection of instructional materials and library resources, librarians and professional staff will seek to provide resources offering a comprehensive and informed selection of information.   When practicable, these selections shall serve to motivate students and staff to examine their own attitudes and behavior to comprehend their duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges as participating citizens in our society; and to make informed judgments in their daily lives.
  3. When considering selection of instructional materials and library resources, librarians and professional staff will seek professionally appropriate, factual instructional materials and library resources on opposing sides of controversial issues so that users may develop under guidance the practice of critical analysis.

IV. Selection of Learning Sources

  1. In selecting materials for classroom or program support use, staff members will evaluate the materials and may consult reputable balanced critical assessments, professionally peer reviewed journals, and relevant feedback from specialists and/or professionally trained personnel employed by the School District. When considering materials for use in groups of instruction, school staff will focus their review of materials and resources on the experience and needs of students related to instructionally preparatory and follow-up activities.
  2. In selecting instructional materials and library resources for use in the libraries, the Librarian and other applicable professional staff members will evaluate available resources and curriculum needs.  The librarian and other applicable personnel will consult reputable, professionally recognized periodicals, standard catalogs, and other selection aids to help guide the selection.
  3. Recommendations for purchase may involve administrators, teachers, district committees, students, parents, and community members, as appropriate and practicable.
  4. This policy will serve as the means to evaluate, adopt, or reject gifted materials based on the criteria and processes as noted above.
  5. The Board recognizes the selection of resources and instructional materials is an ongoing process. The Board also recognizes the importance of the removal of materials no longer appropriate for use in instruction, as well as the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value.

V. Position on Intellectual Freedom

The school Board subscribes in principle to the statements of policy on library philosophy as expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, a copy of which is appended to IJL-R.  In the event that library or instructional materials are questioned, the principles of intellectual freedom shall be defended. 

See Also:

KRSD Policy IGE – Parental Objection to Specific Course Materials
KRSD Policy IHAM – Health Education – Exemption form Instruction
IJL-R - Library and Instructional Materials Selection and Reconsideration Procedures

Legal Reference(s):

RSA 186:11, IX
20 U.S.C §1232h, (c)(1)(C), Protection of pupil rights

First Read:       February 17, 2022
Second Read:  March 17, 2022
Adopted:  March 17, 2022
Revised:  N/A