IMBA - Distance Learning

The Board encourages students to take full advantage of distance education/online learning opportunities as a means of enhancing and supporting their education.  Distance education/online learning includes, but is not limited to, correspondence, video-based, internet/online-based or other similar media that provides educational courses as a means to fulfill curriculum requirements.  Such opportunities will be implemented under the provisions set forth in Policy IHBH, Extended Learning Opportunities and Policy IHBI, Alternative Learning Plans.

See Also:

IHBG - Policy For Homeschool Students
IHBH - Extended Learning Opportunities
IHBI - Alternative Learning Plans
IK – Earning of Credits
IKA - Grading and Reporting System
IKF - High School Graduation
ILBA - Assessment of Educational Programs
ILBAA - High School Graduation Competencies
IMBC - Alternative Credit Options
IMBI - Alternative Learning Plans

Legal References:

Ed 306.04(a)(12), Distance Education
Ed 306.22, Distance Education

First Reading: 1/3/2019
Second Reading: Waived
Adopted: 1/3/2019
Revised: N/A