JFAA - Admission of Resident Students

The school district of residence of a student is defined by RSA 193:12, II.

New Resident Students:

All new resident students, accompanied by a parent/guardian, should register at school before opening day and as early as possible.

Children entering school for the first time must have proof of physical examination, immunization records, a copy of the child's birth certificate and proof of residency satisfactory to the Superintendent or his/her designee.  Principals or their designees will meet with new children and parents to explain school programs.

Legal References:

RSA 193:1, Duty of Parent, Compulsory Attendance by Pupil
RSA 193:12,II Legal Residence Required
RSA 110-D, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children

See Also:  JFA-R, Technical Advisory

Legal Reference:

RSA  193:12, Legal Residence Required

First Reading:  May 7, 2020
Second Reading:  N/A
Adopted:  May 7, 2020
Revised:  N/A

Legal References Disclaimer: These references are not intended to be considered part of this policy, nor should they be taken as a comprehensive statement of the legal basis for the Board to enact this policy, nor as a complete recitation of related legal authority. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.