JICM / GEBG - Prohibited Uses of Technology


For the purposes of this policy, the District defines "Prohibited Use" in two categories:

  1. Inappropriate Use of Technology
  2. Gross Abuse of technology

A. Inappropriate Use of Technology

The District considers the following scenarios as Inappropriate Use of Technology. As such, individuals aware of such activity are required to report the concern to the Building Principal or District Director of Technology:

Scenarios defined by the District as examples of Inappropriate Use of Technology include but are not limited to:

  1. Non-School Related Communications e.g. but not limited to, any communications with students or minors for non-school related purposes.
  2. Violating Copyrights e.g. but not limited to, copying, downloading, or sharing any type of copyrighted materials (including music or films) without the owner's permission. The district assumes no responsibility for copyright violations by employees and students.
  3. Copying Software e.g. but not limited to, copying or downloading software without the express authorization of the Coordinator of Technology Support and Application or District Director of Technology. Unauthorized copying of software is illegal and may subject the user to substantial civil and criminal penalties. The district assumes no responsibility for illegal software copying by students.
  4. Misuse of technology including, but not limited to:
    1. Representing as one's work, any material obtained on the Internet (such as term papers, articles, music, etc.) that is not original to the author, including failure to identify and cite publisher and website sources.
    2. Using the district's computers, networks, and internet services for non-school related purposes such as private financial gain, commercial, advertising, or solicitation purposes, or any other non-school related personal used not connected with the educational program or assignments.
    3. Unauthorized access to blogs/chat rooms/social networking sites (e.g. but not limited to, accessing blogs, chat rooms, or social networking sites without specific authorization from the Coordinator of Technology Support and Application or Director of Technology and/or supervising teacher, as appropriate.)

B. Gross Abuse of Technology

The District considers the following scenarios to be a Gross Abuse of Technology.  As such, individuals aware of such activity are required to report the concern immediately to both the District Director of Technology and Building administrator.

Scenarios defined by the District as examples of a Gross Abuse of Technology include but are not limited to use of District technology or network resources to:

  1. engage in the use or dissemination of Obscenity as defined by Miller v. California (1973)
  2. engage in the use, possession, creation, or dissemination of child pornography as defined by 18 U.S.C. 2256
  3. engage in the use, possession, creation, or dissemination of any content considered illegal or harmful to minors

C. Accessing Inappropriate Materials 

Any user of District technology resources for the purpose of accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning, or disseminating defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal materials is considered by the District to be a violation of this policy and is subject to disciplinary and legal consequences.

D. Illegal Activities

Using the District's technology or network resources for any illegal activity, including bullying or harassment of students or other persons will result in the District reporting the illegal activity to law enforcement and required New Hampshire authorities (e.g. New Hampshire Department of Children Youth and Family).  The district assumes no responsibility for illegal activities of employees or students while using District technology or network resources.

E. Malicious Use/Vandalism

Any user’s malicious use, disruption, or harm to the District's computers, networks, and internet services, including but not limited to, kicking/throwing of devices, hacking activities, or creation / uploading of computer viruses, etc. will result in disciplinary consequences and potential referral to law enforcement.

F. Misuse of Passphrases/Unauthorized Access

Any user’s sharing of personal passwords, use other users' passwords, or accessing or using other users' accounts is considered a violation of this policy and may result in disciplinary consequences and / or referral to law enforcement.  Mishandling of Student Data as defined in District policy JRA.

See Also:

District Policy JICL - Acceptable Use Policy
District Policy JRA - Protection and Access to Student Records

First Read: 3/4/23
Second Read: Waived
Adopted: 3/4/23
Last Review: 3/4/23
Revised: N/A