It is the policy of the Board to allow opportunities for all students to participate in co-curricular activities designed to meet their needs and interests.

Such activities must supplement and enrich regular academic instruction, provide opportunities for social development, encourage participation in clubs, athletics, performing groups, or encourage service to the school and community.

Any student organization must be approved by the Principal.


To participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, all students must meet eligibility requirements, and understand that such participation is a privilege, not a right. The superintendent is directed to establish eligibility standards and procedures for acceptable academic performance, good citizenship/sportsmanship, parental permission, fees, and physical exams/health requirements. The eligibility standards and procedures will be published in the student/parent handbooks.

In addition, students who choose to participate in interscholastic sports will be governed by Policy JJIB, Interscholastic Athletics, and by the eligibility standards of the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA).


To the extent possible, District schools shall reduce or eliminate the practice of segregating student participation in activities by gender. In situations where students are segregated by gender, students will be included in the group that corresponds to their self-identified gender.

The district allows students enrolled in other schools - including charter schools, non-public schools, and home schools - to participate on an equal basis in any activity offered by the district that is not offered at a student's school of attendance, provided they meet the eligibility requirements for participation. This applies to:

  1. Students who are residents of this school district but who are being educated in a home school may participate provided they comply with all laws governing non-public home-based education.
  2. Students who are residents of the district by who are being educated in an independent or parochial school if the school in which the student is enrolled does not sponsor the activity.

All appeals regarding student participation in activities shall be made in writing to Superintendent or Designee whose findings and decision will be subject to the same process as identified in District policy ACAA.

Participation Fees

Non-enrolled students participating in district co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are subject to the same fees charged enrolled students for the activity


Legal Reference:

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.26(d), Kindergarten-Grade 8 Curriculum
NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.27(b)(5), High School Co-curricular Program
NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.27(v), Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities

First Read:  April 5, 2018
Second Read:  April 19, 2018
Adopted:  April 19, 2018